Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Vacation Had to End Sometime...

            We went on our last game drive this morning.  The people at Wildlife Camp definitely take care of their guests; while we went out on our drive, they called the airport and checked to see what time we would need to be there.  They called Billy and told him he’d have to get us out of the park a half hour earlier to get us to the airport in time.  Our game drive didn’t show us anything big.  We saw fresh paw prints, including a male lion’s, and there were hooded vultures in the trees, which means lions were nearby.  The vultures follow lions to eat their droppings.  Billy did all he could, but we just could not find the lions.  We left the park to get to the airport in time. We shouldn’t have worried; there was only one other person on the flight with us.  During the next three hours until the flight, I enjoyed the fast internet and uploaded pictures to Facebook and watched a few episodes.  Our plane was super tiny.  Getting in and out of it was quite the challenge for me. All three of us had our own big seat to ourselves.  The pilots told us to grab whatever snacks and drinks we wanted from the cooler, told us to buckle up, and then we took off.  It was fantastic - within a couple minutes we were in the air.  The view from the plane was beautiful and the conversation with the other guy on the plane was interesting.  He’s an American citizen but has lived in Africa most of his life.  Now he goes back and forth from Mfuwe to Alaska as a conservational expert.  I have quite the boring life in comparison!
            Now we’re back in Lusaka…sigh.  No more elephant and giraffe sightings while I’m drinking my morning coffee.  Instead of hearing the hippos grunt from the river as I sleep, I have to settle for the rooster and the dogs.  This trip was absolutely incredible. I can’t compare it to anything I’ve ever experienced in the states.  I wish everyone could get the chance to visit the park and see everything I saw.   

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