Sunday, April 15, 2012


            We got out of singing in church today – we only sang one song as people were filing out, so no one really witnessed our attempt to dance.  When Barnabas saw me dancing, he came over and started imitating me to make fun of me – silly boy.  Pastor Weiser sat by me in church.  Rachel got asked to play piano today on the tiny little keyboard.  After the service, Pastor Weiser was introduced and asked to say a few words, and he did some traditional African cultural things with the congregation.  He shouted, “God is good!” and the congregation, in unison and without hesitation, responded, “All the time!”  Pastor Weiser: “All the time!” Congregation: “God is good!”  And then he sang a song that everyone knew – something about shaking hands with your fellow believers.   
            We went to choir at 2.  At least, that’s when we were told it was going to start.  Apparently, it wasn’t actually starting until 3 (which means nothing will happen until 3:30), so we decided to go back to our house and tidy it up before the Hartmanns were going to get here (they’re staying with us while the conferences are going on).  On the way, we met Jennifer, one of the choir members, and she offered her assistance as we cleaned.  She was amazing – she made our living room perfect.  It was much better than Rachel and I would have done.  It was so nice of her to help.  Rachel gave her a brownie and a glass of water as a thank you.  
            Choir was much more productive because people actually came.  Last time, there were six members total (out of maybe 25).  They’re getting ready for their big competition next week, so they were doing some serious work on their songs.  Rachel and I only know a couple of the songs, so when they sang songs we didn’t know, we just danced along with them and hummed. 
            The Hartmanns came in around dinner time.  I realized we needed more water in our cooler, so Rachel and I headed off to the bore hole on campus to fill it up.  The campus is lit up fairly well at night, but I was still watching where I was stepping carefully so as not to kill another frog.  All of a sudden, I realized I was just a split second away from stepping on a snake.  This thing was big and black (which made me think it was a Black Mamba, which equals deadly), and I just barely managed to move my foot centimeters away from it.  If I hadn’t been watching, I would definitely have stepped on it.  It started squirming around, and I of course flipped out and started jumping around, yelling, “Oh my goodness!  It’s a snake!  I almost stepped on a snake!”  I was wearing flip-flops, and I couldn’t see where the snake had gone, so for a few seconds I was jumping around on my tip-toes, doing high knees exercises, praying I wasn’t going to get bitten.   When I was sure the immediate danger was over, I found the snake and tried to keep my eye on it while Rachel ran to get Bismarck, one of the seminarian students who takes pride in killing snakes (and then showing them to us afterwards).  The snake slipped underneath the little bridge, so the men with all their long, pointy tools couldn’t kill it.  Bismarck said the hunt will continue in the morning.  They’ll find the hole and dig down until they kill it. 
            We filled up the bucket and I got my second work out in the day carrying it back to the house, where we found the Hartmanns making dinner.  We had the most delicious omelets of all time, followed up by some tasty brownies. 
            We don’t have too much planned for tomorrow – if my ladies show up, I’ll have class with them.  Everyone is still getting ready for the conferences to start on Tuesday, so there will be tons of people moving in.   

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