Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Little Bit of March Madness

            Nothing too crazy today.  Our power was out for several hours today because they were working on the transformer or something, so we took that opportunity to handwrite lots of worksheets for the week.  We were very productive.  In the afternoon we went to town for groceries, watched the kids play kickball, and made ourselves some dinner.  Then, we invited ourselves over to the Wendland’s house to watch the NCAA tournament, which has been heavenly.  As I write this it’s halftime of the Gonzaga-Ohio State game.  I never thought I’d be watching a Gonzaga game in Zambia!
            Several people have asked me what I miss, if anything.  Of course I miss my family and friends, so I’ll skip those sentiments and move to the other material things I do wish for sometimes.  In order:
1)      Driving (specifically, the independence of being able to drive myself)
2)      Going to Starbucks (yes, I know that sounds snobby)
3)      Watching all the tournament action on a TV and several laptops at the same time
With that being said, these are all very small sacrifices and I am more than happy to trade them in for this experience.
Random thing about Zambia: when driving on the Big East Road (the main highway that goes through Lusaka up to Malawi) there are people who snake through the traffic selling items.  These people sell everything, and I do mean everything.  Here’s a short list of things I’ve seen being sold: maps, jeans, passport covers, DVDs, mangos and other produce, soccer jerseys, and baskets.  Men and children will walk around the traffic, peeking in windows and trying to get you to buy their items.  I’m finally getting better at just giving them a little wave and looking away.  The first two weeks here I smiled too much and then they would come over and make me laugh.

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