Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Hot, Rainy Saturday

                Not a lot of news over here.  I slept in a little late because I was up from 2:30 until around 4 watching the basketball game.  (They lost by about 10 points, but played very well, especially considering they were playing the fifth-ranked team in the nation.  They had a great season!)  It was a hot, muggy day here, and we didn’t have water until 1 or 2 in the afternoon, so we were a little gross this morning.  The heat, combined with the fact that my foot is very sore to the point that I’m limping, kept us inside for the much of the day.  We played Bananagrams (Rachel won, but just barely), read a lot, and watched Friends.  In the afternoon, we headed out to find Pastor Phiri and give him our schedule, but while looking for him, a big rainstorm hit.  The group of boys that are always playing together – Damilwe (still don’t know how to spell that), Elias, Justice, and Paul, accompanied by little Peace – followed us as we dodged from tree to building, getting soaked.  I’m getting to know these boys’ personalities – Damilwe is a sweetheart who adores me and never let go of my hand in the entire hour or two we were outside.  Paul is a stinker – he actually got my watch off my wrist without me noticing it at first and kept trying to grab my camera.  When the rain let up, we noticed a double rainbow, so Rachel ran inside to grab her camera.  While waiting for her to come back, Damilwe gestured that he wanted to touch my hair, which was wet from the rain.  I squatted down and soon had four or five (muddy) kids running their fingers through it and playing with it (Rachel added this to facebook – it’s in my tagged pictures).  Then we started taking pictures on our cameras – the kids loved it and started getting crazy with it.  There was a group of older boys (like age 10 to 12) who were playing soccer the entire rainstorm on the dirt field, which was soon just mud.  They were sliding around in it like it was an ice skating rink.
                Rachel and I are planning out the big trips we want to take.  In April, we’re hoping to go to Malawi to see where she grew up.  Soon we want to get to Victoria Falls, where we’re debating on whether or not we can afford to go on the elephant safari.  I have a feeling we’re going to end up splurging, but we have to budget because we’re also planning on going to Luangwe, the famous game park, for several days.  There we’ll be able to go on both night and day safaris and stay in a pretty nice resort.  I’m so excited! 
                I saw a lizard in my bedroom and went to grab my camera because I haven’t seen one up close yet.  Of course, when I came back, I couldn’t find it, so it’s probably in my bed or something right now.  I might be in for a lovely surprise later…
                Speaking of wildlife, when Rachel and I were hiding from the rain, we came up to a humongous spider web with two huge spiders working on it.  These were nothing like the gray ones I’ve taken so many pictures of – these have insanely long legs and are even bigger than the others.  I remember seeing pictures from Abby’s album of these things.  Rachel accidentally walked into part of the web…a little gross, but it’s funny how little we care about these things.  Back home, if I see a spider, I make my sister kill it for me because I’m too afraid to do it myself. Here, they’re just part of the landscape.  We’re just partners in crime, fighting the mosquitoes together. 
                Anyway, that’s pretty much it.  Again, we’re still enjoying our last quiet days.  Tomorrow we’ll go to church and hopefully get to do some bartering at the market. 

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