Monday, May 14, 2012

Tutoring Party

            Today was busy!  I had Given, Mildred, and Barnabas show up.  After Mildred and I finished “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” we played a matching game that I created and then Simon Says.   They all loved it, especially the matching game.  After English class, Dee took us into town to get some last minute things we needed for our party this evening.  We had lunch and got everything we needed and just made it back in time for our afternoon tutoring session.  I had a bunch of kids show up for this one – Obey, Daliso, Jeremiah, Stone, Mirriam, Shain, and Given again.  I kept asking why Given wasn’t in school but I couldn’t get a straight answer.  I think he got in trouble for not bringing his books or something.  We played the same memory game and Simon Says and invited Rachel’s kids – Mwandida, Pimbi, and Shadreck – to play with us too.  It was a very competitive, long, loud game.  The kids had a lot of fun and didn’t want to leave at the end of it. 
            We went back and prepared for our party.  The purpose of our party was to hand out certificates that show that the kids were taking English classes; this is very important to the people here.  It can help later with jobs and things like that.  We also gave each kid a picture of us with them and their tutoring group.  Each preschool child received a group picture of Rachel and I with them.  All the kids got a piece of candy, and then we served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, biscuits, and juice to the kids and their parents.  The parents loved it; the moms ran over and swung their kids around, kissing their faces and telling them good job after they got their certificate.  Afterwards, several of the dads came over and thanked us for our hard work and repeatedly said that they were so sad we have to leave so soon.  We took pictures with many of the families and then cleaned up with some help from the boys.  It was a really fun party and it really couldn’t have gone better.  We were so happy to see that nearly every single person was there.
             We ate a quick dinner and then went over to the Sargents’ to celebrate Nathan’s birthday.  Now I’m faced with the dooming dilemma of trying to pack.  I’m so tired and unmotivated to do that right now and will probably end up pushing it back to the very last second. 

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